Answers to all your burning questions
Let me just acknowledge that, yes, it's been a long time since I've written. After this it's back to once a week (at least for a while),...
Fear of flying
I was talking way back when about how it often felt like life wasn't really happening all the time, like I spent a lot of time sort of...
Fool for school
I always knew, since I was about ten years old, that I wanted to be an artist. I don't think anyone ever told me there were actual...
More dumb stuff I do
You know how sometimes everyone seems so selfish sometimes? Or you just feel so misunderstood and alien? Or you just keep finding...
Eyecandy studio
The great thing about freelancing (otherwise known as "semi-" or "unemployment") is all the cool free time. The great thing about the...
When I was 15, 16 and 17 I think I was clinically depressed and technically sociopathic. Or maybe that's just teenagehood in a nutshell?...
I was thinking about what to get my mom for christmas (if anything;" Nothing" is my usual solution to the problem these days). And I...
It's not old and it's not from the navy
I'm torn between Doing My Part To Stimulate The Economy, and saving money because I haven't been working much. I have to admit to...
Seeing stars
I seem to have made some kind of pledge-y thing (see how she demeans it already, in case it doesn't work out) to write an entry every...
Dance with eyes closed
It's not that I've had nothing to say lately - no, not that at all. In fact on September 11, I had two entries in progress, and several...